Chris Wright on Christian Mission and the legacy of John Stott
Built on Solid Ground
Dr Dirk Jongkind on the reliability of the Gospels.
The Selection and the Text of the New Testament Gospels. Delivered by Dr Dirk Jongkind – Research Fellow in New Testament Text and Language, Tyndale House. Can we be sure that the New Testament Gospels give a reliable account of the life and teaching of Jesus? And what about other, so-called ‘Gospels’, that scholars say were part of those early centuries? Dr Dirk Jongkind is well placed to strengthen our confidence in the witness of the canonical Gospels to the person of Jesus of Nazareth. He is a Dutch biblical scholar who has researched for the British Library on Codex Sinaiticus, re-edited the edition of the Greek New Testament of Samuel Prideaux Tregelles, carried out significant work on the legal language used in and outside the New Testament and is currently Research Fellow in New Testament Text and Language at Tyndale House, Cambridge and the John W. Laing Fellow at St Edmund’s College, Cambridge.